Regarding value earned per dollar spent, companies that adopt HaaS have a considerable advantage over others that opt for CapEx.
If you’ve ever bought a used car, you probably did everything right. You researched the model. You looked at the bluebook value. You had it checked out by a pro who knows more about cars than you do. In short, you ticked all the boxes for ensuring a smart investment. That’s what smart people do.
And yet, you probably harbored a bit of dread that something would go horribly wrong. The car would certainly break down, be stolen, or get hit by another car within moments of being signed over to you.
If you’ve experienced this particular flavor of angst, then you have a tiny inkling of how businesses feel when they make large capital expenditures (CapEx). Parking facility owners and operators know this very well. To make money, you have to invest substantial amounts of cash into the machinery and software needed to keep lots and garages running smoothly. Just like the car, there’s no guarantee that it all won’t fail, be damaged, or become outdated the moment it’s signed over.
There is a better way. Rather than go into your capital to buy all the necessary equipment upfront, FlashParking provides everything a parking operation needs, now and in the future, for no upfront costs. It’s called hardware-as-a-service (HaaS), and it’s a strategy for getting your business running without the huge upfront costs and without the anxiety of wondering how much life you’ll get out of your investment.
What Is HaaS?

FlashParking’s HaaS takes its name, and its business framework from software-as-a-service (SaaS). In both cases, your business is bringing an outside company onboard to solve problems that aren’t part of your company objective. For instance, you’re in the business of providing parking, not in the business of designing gates, parking kiosks, or financial tracking software.
The “as-a-service” part means that your partner provides a proven, reliable solution for your business on an ongoing basis. In the old model, someone sells you a single tool at a one-time cost and will not call again until they think you’re ready to buy another one. In the new model, you pay for the ongoing value of a service—like maintenance, feature upgrades, and software updates—rather than paying for the hardware that makes that service possible.
What Are The Real Benefits of HaaS In The Parking Industry?
From the outset, FlashParking’s HaaS model eliminates the substantial upfront costs associated with the one-time purchase of all the equipment, systems, and software needed to get a parking facility on its feet. There is no need to go searching for a new business loan, start romancing new investors, or request budget increases from oversight.
HaaS grants you access to the most up-to-date systems available in the industry. We provide solutions that cover any size of operation. Whether you simply need the latest gates and smart stations for your parkers, or your facility needs an overhaul with full-scale parking and revenue platforms and AI-powered camera systems, it all comes to you as part of our business partnership. The startup costs are kept to a minimum. As mentioned before: you’re not buying hardware, you’re buying the value that hardware returns to your business.
Additionally, HaaS is more than an equipment lease. It’s a managed, ongoing service provided by an expert partner who is deeply familiar with all the challenges and problems the parking industry can present.
Compare that ongoing service model to the old CapEx approach. If your equipment fails or breaks down, you have to hope that your service contract includes the cost of the fix. If your software needs a security upgrade, you’ll have to pay (and wait) for a technician to come to you and install the new updates. When you’re ready to replace a kiosk with a more feature-forward version, you’ll be starting the purchase process all over again.
We know all these scenarios cause stress, so we’ve opted to eliminate them. By taking advantage of our HaaS model, your repairs are always covered, because your equipment essentially has a lifetime warranty. When your software needs an update, we take care of that remotely from our cloud-based systems. When a new feature-filled kiosk comes to market, you can rest assured you’re going to be getting it. There are no unexpected costs or risks involved.
What About HaaS Financials?
From the outset, FlashParking’s HaaS model eliminates the substantial upfront costs associated with the one-time purchase of all the equipment, systems, and software needed to get a parking facility on its feet. There is no need to go searching for a new business loan, start romancing new investors, or request budget increases from oversight.
HaaS grants you access to the most up-to-date systems available in the industry. We provide solutions that cover any size of operation. Whether you simply need the latest gates and smart stations for your parkers, or your facility needs an overhaul with full-scale parking and revenue platforms and AI-powered camera systems, it all comes to you as part of our business partnership. The startup costs are kept to a minimum. As mentioned before: you’re not buying hardware, you’re buying the value that hardware returns to your business.
Additionally, HaaS is more than an equipment lease. It’s a managed, ongoing service provided by an expert partner who is deeply familiar with all the challenges and problems the parking industry can present.
Compare that ongoing service model to the old CapEx approach. If your equipment fails or breaks down, you have to hope that your service contract includes the cost of the fix. If your software needs a security upgrade, you’ll have to pay (and wait) for a technician to come to you and install the new updates. When you’re ready to replace a kiosk with a more feature-forward version, you’ll be starting the purchase process all over again.
We know all these scenarios cause stress, so we’ve opted to eliminate them. By taking advantage of our HaaS model, your repairs are always covered, because your equipment essentially has a lifetime warranty. When your software needs an update, we take care of that remotely from our cloud-based systems. When a new feature-filled kiosk comes to market, you can rest assured you’re going to be getting it. There are no unexpected costs or risks involved.
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